Episode 13: Deborah Paiva
Loss can come in all shapes and sizes and we've all experienced some form of it. For this episode, Deborah Paiva and I talked about the 5 steps to take in order to heal from any type of loss.
Deborah is a Board Certified Life Coach, Certified Health Coach, speaker, and published author of Heal Your Heartache: 5 Steps to Reclaim Your Life After a Breakup, Divorce, or Loss of a Partner.
Deborah was drawn to life coaching after going through her own multiple transformations: the death of her first husband when she was only twenty-one years old, major career changes, numerous location moves, and a necessary but heart-wrenching divorce after a long and happy marriage. She is now focused on supporting others through their transformations including break-ups, loss, relationship issues, career change, life balance, and stress management.
Email Deborah at: DeborahPaiva111@gmail.com
Website: www.DeborahPaiva.com
Episode 12: Eden Nevarez
Eden Nevarez is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), owns and runs her business (Bonding with Baby Lactation), is a mother of 3, and is a very dear friend of mine!
For this episode, Eden and I talked about health, balance and motherhood. We both share some of our personal stories and also geeked out over everything wellness!
You can follow Eden's journey on:
Facebook - Bonding with Baby Lactation, LLC
Instagram - bondingwithbabylactation
Episode 11: Diana Bitar
If the stationary aisle of your Target or Home Goods excites you, then this episode is for you!
My guest this week is Diana Bitar. Diana is a nutritionist originally from the Middle East but now lives in sunny Miami, Florida. Her approach to nutrition is one that focuses on food freedom and mindfulness. Her favorite hobbies include relaxing on the beach, learning, and eating!
For this episode, Diana and I have a heart-to-heart over our love for planners and how this tool has helped us not only with calming our anxiety but also on our wellness journey and life.
Follow Diana's journey on Instagram at: Healthwithdi
Also, when it comes to planners, here's Diana's favorite: https://daydesigner.com/collections/shop-all-academic-year-flagship-planners
Episode 10: Megan Fahey
Megan Fahey, MS, RD, CDN, is a Registered Dietitian and Functional Medicine Nutritionist specializing in eating disorders. Megan helps clients heal their relationships with food through nutrition intervention and psychological exploration.
For this episode, Megan and I dive into her grounding journey to Machu Picchu, the balance between being healthy and being obsessed with healthy, and her 4 philosophies when it comes to intuitive eating.
You can also follow Megan's journey here:
IG: https://www.instagram.com/meganfaheyrd/
Website: https://meganfaheyrd.com/
Episode 09: Karol Feijoo
Karol Feijoo is a Registered Dietitian with a Master of Science in Dietetics and Nutrition from Florida International University. She currently works as a renal dietitian at DaVita providing nutrition education and counseling.
Join me and Karol for an episode where we dive into the role that food plays when it comes to your relationship with your partner. Karol brings her unique take on how her relationship with her husband has grown and evolved together with her career as a dietitian!
Let Karol help you make the best eating choices for your body and lifestyle at KarolsChoice@gmail.com and you can also follow her journey on Instagram at Karol_Miami - this is her personal account because Dietitians are people too! ;)
Episode 08: Harjot Mann
Harjot Mann, Self-Mastery & Leadership Coach helps entrepreneurs, small business owners, and emerging leaders maximize their true potential through emotional resilience, deep mindset transformation, and cultivating their innate leadership.
For this episode, Harjot shares why it's so important to dive into your purpose and your why to unlock your entrepreneurial dreams!
Follow Harjot's journey right here:
IG: harjotkmann
Episode 07: Megan Perez
If you are frustrated with your body, eating habits, digestion, and overall mindset around food, Registered Dietitian Megan Perez wants you to know that she gets it. Her mission is to help clients end the diet mentality and discover food freedom. No more negative self-talk, anxiety, or shame.
For this episode, she shares her personal journey with letting go of perfection when it comes to food & body and started living fully through Full Living Nutrition!
Contact Megan and follow her journey here:
IG: meganperez_rd
E-mail: megan@fulllivingnutrition.com
Episode 06: Katie Kahvo
Katie Kahvo is a coach that guides moms through mindset shifts, managing stress, simplifying overwhelm, eliminating mom guilt, and building confidence!
For this episode, she shares the behind the scenes of motherhood as an entrepreneur.
Follow her journey at: https://www.katiekahvo.com/
Episode 05: Ashley Tracey
Ashley Tracey is an astrologer and empowerment coach based in Denver, Colorado. She's a passionate and empathetic soul whose life purpose is to help others live at their highest potential. She works with clients around the world to empower wholistic well-being, expand consciousness and activate purposeful living through soul-centered astrology and coaching.
You can follow and contact Ashley at:
Episode 04: Carolina Servigna

For this episode, I welcome my good friend Carolina. She shares how she’s been able to stay motivated on her fitness and wellness journey for 7 years, while also starting her own T-shirt company Going ApeShirt.
Episode 03: Emma Ashford

If you are having trouble sleeping, I have two things to tell you.
1) You are not alone;
2) You are in for a treat!
For this episode, insomnia and sleep specialist Emma Ashford, shares with me her amazing knowledge and years of experience. You'll understand why you aren't sleeping, the difference between having trouble sleeping and insomnia, and what you can do about it! Join Emma on her 6-week course to get the much dreamed of and needed sleep reset right here: Total Sleep Reset
Episode 02: Bridie Apple

For this episode, I had the great pleasure of interviewing Bridie, a yoga teacher, Ayurvedic Therapist, and entrepreneur.
Bridie shares what Ayurveda is and how you use this traditional Indian way of medicine and healing to bring back balance to your body, mind, and life!
You can learn more about Bridie and her work at: https://bridieapple.com/
Episode 01
What to Look For in The Food Label
In an ideal world we will always eat fresh and homemade. But in the real world, sometimes we have to buy food that comes in a package. So these are my main tips on how to make sure you make the best decision for your body!