Hi, I’m Raisa!
Nutritionist, foodie, nature-lover, and founder of The Nutrinut. It’s so nice to meet you :).
Most of us dream about making the world a better place in our own way. And that’s how The Nutrinut was born. I wanted to do things differently – in a way that felt in FULL alignment with my soul.
It always bothered me to feel like women got the short end of the stick in just about everything. Salaries, career opportunities, house responsibilities, society expectations, and balancing financial stability with personal goals and family life. It’s all exhausting!
And I realized that we are the first ones to believe the lie of being the weaker sex. Because we are taught to at such a young age. As frustrating as it all feels, the good news is that we have the power to CHANGE this narrative. It all begins by embracing what makes us so special and strong and wise and amazing: our hormones. Which have been very misunderstood.
That’s how I started diving deep to fully understand my ENTIRE menstrual cycle. Not just my period. And then I learned about Seed Cycling and fell in love!
This journey is about freeing you from the diet, restrictive mindset and inspiring a loving and empowering nutrition journey, where body love and self-care are front and center.
And it’s all done with the planet in mind. Because it’s our home that also needs our love and attention.
So thank you for joining me and being the seed of change!
what moves us
Food is Love
What started off as a nutrition brand, quickly turned into something much greater!
Nutrition is life. LITERALLY. Without food, we don’t survive.
Somehow along the way we lost ourselves. Making nutrition about the diet and fitting into unrealistic standards. All in the name of “beauty”.
Now is the time to go back to our roots – to make nutrition about nourishment, self-care, and as a way of endless love.

Imagine a world where your period and hormones is seen as a gift and not a weakness…
….Where you fully understand that every season of your menstrual cycle, comes with its superpowers.
…Where you can fully respect your body’s needs to rest because you’re not only on a 24-hr clock cycle but a 28-day one too.
…Where you can tap into your sensitive, intuitive, and wise self.
This is our dream too!
The Planet
There’s no such thing as planet B. Climate change is real. Our planet needs us now more than ever. And it all begins with you and me.
Nature and our beautiful planet is our inspiration and passion.
And because of that, here at The Nutrinut we’re committed to doing everything we can to make sure that we are part of the solution.

The Nutrinut Headquarters:
2740 Avian Loop, Kissimmee 34741